Monday, February 19, 2007

My Perspective on Bill Self

I shared this with a friend of mine and thought I'd share it with visitors to


You and I, (insert name here), do have a philosophical disagreement. You say it's "what have you done for me lately", which I believe is the type of spoiled viewpoint of many KU fans. The funny thing is, Self has only been at KU for nearly 4 years. He inherited the angst and frustration that Roy left behind when he "jilted" the KU fan base...a fan base that IMMEDIATELY felt betrayed. I personally don't think it's fair to Self. Roy was given 15 years and never won a championship and, it could be argued, lost a couple (Syracuse, the 97 team that lost to Arizona), but KU fans, for the most part, adored him. And Self has done an awesome job at KU in terms of recruiting, wins and losses, etc. But because of TWO games, albeit tournament games, he has the wrath of some in the KU Nation and they are unendingly and unfairly impatient with him. So my take isn't "what have you done for me lately", it's "what will you do for me over the course of your career". I understand that there are going to be ups and downs. I enjoy the hell out of the ups and I cope with the downs. I try very hard not to overreact to the short term pain that comes with losing tough games, be it during the regular season or during the postseason. It's what Self does over the long haul that determines how he will be viewed by Jayhawk Nation and the greater college basketball community.

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog and I share your sentiments regarding Bill Self. It pains me to no end when fellow Kansas fans are so harsh towards Bill Self. I cannot imagine anyone conducting themselves better than he has demonstrated considering he replaced a Kansas basketball legend. On the other hand, I feel it is irresponsible for anyone to suggest that Roy Williams left Bill Self as solid a team than what Matt Doherty left Roy at UNC. I would also state that had Roy not had the benefit of Pritchard, Gueldner, Randolph, Newton and Maddox, he too would have had a difficult time achieving the immediate success he enjoyed. Unfortunately Miles and Langford didn't have the maturity to deal with their pain and disappointment, thus making the transition from Williams to Self much more difficult.
