Monday, February 19, 2007

KU-KSU: Game Thoughts

So what about next year? Will Bramlage have a PINK OUT?

Hey, Huggie, take your prediction about Feb. 13th and SHOVE IT. It's STILL not a Rivalry.

Do you know what my favorite show on tv is?---24

How many years in a row is that in Manhattan?--Why, it's 24.

Last 35 games: KU 34 KSU 1: Hey Huggins, welcome to the "rivalry".

Great win. Just a great win and a team effort. Loved seeing our guys pick each other up.

The 3rd foul call on Rush (against Bennett of all people) was a joke. I could listen to an argument that it was a close call. But it wasn't close enough to go against KU.

Sherron Collins has balls of steel that would make Superman blush.

Here's a link to the box score:

Mario stepped up big time.

Darrell Arthur--13 pts., 12 rebounds. He is a freshman no more.

I loved seeing Huggins get T'd up. It wasn't the first and it won't be the last. And boy does he cuss up a storm. I think I saw Bill Snyder blush.

MAJOR props to Brandon Rush for playing the entire second half without picking up his 4th or 5th fouls.

KU made some dumb mistakes toward the end of the game. And on a few occasions played too fast and out of control. Hopefully they will learn and we'll see less of that going forward.

How does an official not see Bill Self dancing on the floor and screaming for a timeout and instead call KU for a 10-second violation?

Nice to see we can go into a hostile environment and have Rush (11 pts), Wright (4 pts), Kaun (3 pts) and Robinson (3 pts) play forgettable games offensively, go 5-for-21 from 3-pt range (that's too many 3-pt attempts by the way when you are playing a team with no inside presence), turn the ball over nearly twice as much as our opponent, and still come out with the W.

Wildcats fans snuck live chickens into Bramlage Coliseum and released them onto the court as KU’s starting lineup was announced. Boy, y'all r shur creaytiv.

The average KSU fan must not know shit about basketball. They sounded like the MU fan base, booing at every call, even if it was the right one.

Everyone in black while their court has purple all over it looked just stupid.

Did you see those Kansas State Proud t-shirts? Proud of what? That you haven't beat your rival in your own town for 24 years and you hired an alcoholic cheater to lead your program?

If there is a word that combines the words buffoon, moron, pathetic, slow, dork, and dead weight...well, then that's what Jason Bennett is.

Other important numbers: 39-20. Oh wait, that was the score of KU's asskicking off KSU on the gridiron.

It's always nice to shut a "rival" fan base up. MU and KSU fans will be quiet for another year after getting SWEPT by the Jayhawks.

I wonder if Huggins is having a few drinks with his designated driver in Aggieville right now?


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