Thursday, February 15, 2007

Jayhawk Basketball: All for one and one for all

I've read and heard many things in recent weeks from KU fans and KU-related articles like:

"We need Sasha Kaun for a run in the tournament"
"As Julian goes, so goes this team."
"As Brandon goes, so goes this team"
"Sherron Collins is going to be key in March."
"We need Darrell Arthur to step it up if we're going to make a run in March."
"We're going to need Mario to get out of his shooting slump before the postseason"
"Russell has been playing well. We're going to need his calming influence to make a run in March."

The talent on this team is spread out. It's one of the most balanced teams in KU history.

There is not one, consistent go-to guy.

There is not one "key" for this team to make a postseason run.

It's going to take consistent, unselfish play from everyone on this team to get to the Final Four.

Folks, I think we have the pieces.

And I think the pieces are really starting to understand their roles on this team and they know that no one player is more important than the other.

They know they need each other.

They know when one piece of the puzzle is missing on a given night, that someone else has to step up. The good news is almost every one of our core players has stepped up at different times.

They are coming together as a team right before our eyes.

They know what it's going to take to be a great team and they are making progress towards that goal as the conference season goes on.

They are learning.

Their basketball IQ's are catching up to their natural athletic talent.

March is going to be a helluva lot of fun.


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