Monday, February 11, 2008

Random Thoughts: KU-UT

Some random thoughts after watching KU lose to Texas in Austin....again.

*Bill Self is now 0-for-3 in Austin.

*Notice the continued lack of road poise. I am becoming more convinced that this team is just not that mentally tough. If this team continues to play the way they have of late and make the same kinds of mistakes, my expectations in March will be lowered to a Sweet 16 appearance.

*Still no wins over a Top 20 team.

*Prior to the game I stated: "It doesn't matter what Texas did vs. Colorado or Iowa State. KU will get Texas' best game of the season. Bank on it." 'Nuf said.

*Prior to the game I stated: "Collins played very well against Baylor. I'm not convinced yet that he's "back". I hope he is, but he has a lot of missed 3's and stupid turnovers in the last few games to make up for before I'm going to be convinced that one good game signals his return to being a real, consistent difference maker." Tonight he was 1 for 6 from the field and 0-for-3 from 3-pt range and was mostly inneffective. He did have 4 assists to only 2 TO's, but clearly he's not "back". He "turns it on, and turns it off" just like this team. That should be their motto.

*Prior to this game I stated: "It's definitely starting to feel like it's KU, KSU, Texas and everyone else, but that could all change if KU doesn't take care of business tonight in Austin. Of course KU still has tough challenges at ISU, at OSU, at A&M and vs. KSU at home. I think it's going to be very tough to win all of those games, partcularly again when thinking that "Road Poise" isn't one of this team's strengths currently." I wouldn't be surprised to see KU drop 2 of those 4.

*Prior to this game I stated: "I just hope the game before ours tonight on ESPN doesn't go long AGAIN. When will these people get it right? It pisses me off so much when we're watching the end of a usually non-competitive (or a 5 OT) game in the Big East while we miss the first 5 minutes of our game." We missed about the first 4:30 of our game due to the Georgetown-Villanova game that ended on a bogus call that got me wondering if Ed Hightower put on a wig and mask and called that game.

*Prior to this game I stated: "I am soooooooooooo pumped that March Madness is right around the corner. My only two fears are (1) KU getting beat before the Final Four (2) KSU going farther in either or both the Big 12 and NCAA tournaments. If either, or both, happen, I may go into a very deep depression." More than ever, I'm afraid my fears are going to be realized.

*Prior to this game I stated: "I am hoping and praying that tonight's game doesn't have 45 or more fouls called. I'm also hoping and praying that our bigs stay out of foul trouble." Our bigs (except for Arthur with 4) stayed out of foul trouble and there were only 39 fouls called in the game. However 24 of those were against KU and only 15 fouls against Texas. I challenge you to find 5 games in all of Big 12 Conference play this year where only 15 fouls were called on one team. It doesn't happen very often and that was definitely a factor in the game.

*I think KU is going to lose the Big 12 Championship to KSU or Texas.

*Our 3-pt shooting (4 of 17) is atrocious and we are now routinely giving up 8-10 3's a game to our opponents. The 3-pt differential is killing us. And how many wide open 3's did UT hit? It's just sickening to watch.

*Mario Chalmers and Russell Robinson were a combined 4-for-16 from the field. Russell scores 22 against Baylor and then has THREE points tonight after going 1 for 6 from the field. Turn it on, turn it off.

*I'm Not Big Time Brandon Rush showed up again with 10 points, 3 rebounds and 4 fouls. NBA stands for No, Brandon Ain't ready.

*DA, DJ, Aldrich and Kaun had only five more rebounds combined than Damian James from UT. Now that's embarrassing.

*Why does this team play with ZERO sense of urgency until there's 20 seconds left in the game?

*I'm sorry, but this season of promise has turned into a season of worry for me. This team is nowhere near as good as their #3 ranking suggests and they are simply not a good road team vs. quality teams. I'm not sure Bill Self has anything left in his bag of tricks to motivate these guys anymore.

*Texas beat us on a night where DJ Augustin was 1 for 13 from the field.

Colorado can't get here soon enough.

Keep Rockin' and Chalkin',


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