Saturday, February 09, 2008

KU Hoops: I've got questions. Anyone got answers?

Hey KU fans, are any of you having the same struggle lately that I am? I saw this KU team play some very good basketball early in the season against some quality competition. I was most impressed by their defense and how KU guards were like annoying gnats on a hot summer day. I knew about all of the McDonald’s All Americans. I knew about all of the guys that might head to the NBA next year. I knew about our depth and experience. I knew we had 5 Seniors that would help lead this team. I knew that Darnell Jackson was playing like a man possessed. I knew all of it. And it felt good.

And then the Jayhawks went to Manhattan (and lost as we all know) and something changed. Their defense, particularly from the guards, wasn’t as intense. The big men looked lost and out of position and were getting whistled for fouls much more frequently. The team had a collective “deer in the headlights” look about them as KSU guards sank 3-pointer after 3-pointer on their way to a season high 12 3-pointers. Our guards looked like matadors letting opposing guards bull their way to the basket virtually uncontested.

I commented to some friends several games ago that our defense had changed. We weren’t playing as aggressive. We were out of position. We were taking stupid chances and getting burned. And the guards were routinely making questionable passes instead of the smart play. You got the sense that practically any guard the opponent brought off the bench could put his head down, dribble hard and dribble right past our guards.

So, as we stand 23-1 (after the win over Baylor), I’m ecstatic about our record, but I can’t help but think about how some of the things I’ve seen from this team recently could get them in serious trouble in the NCAA Tournament. Maybe it’s because we’ve seen great KU teams before look average in the NCAA Tournament and lose well before their time. Maybe it’s because we haven’t won a National Championship in 20 years. Maybe it’s because I so desperately want this team to get to the Final Four and win a National Championship that I don’t want to see them make the kinds of mistakes that can cost them that opportunity.

Let me be clear. I am not down on this Jayhawk team. Not at all. However, I am concerned that some of the things I’m seeing now will carry over to the postseason. I don’t think this team has as much margin for error as they think they do.

So I’ve got some questions and I’m hoping some intelligent Jayhawk fans out there have some answers.

*How did the Jayhawks lose in Manhattan, basically to 3 freshmen?
*How have Russell Robinson and Brandon Rush, in the last 2 weeks, fouled out for the first time in their careers?
*Why did Sherron Collins start turning the ball over so much? (NOTE: He did a much better job vs. Baylor)
*While I’m thrilled that we hit the century mark vs. Baylor, I’m DEEPLY concerned that we gave up 90 points. AT HOME. The 90 points is the MOST points given up in a game by KU this year and the MOST POINTS A BILL SELF-COACHED TEAM AT KU HAS EVER GIVEN UP. How does a Bill Self team, especially THIS team with all of its talent and experience, give up 90 points at home? And 30 points to Baylor guard Curtis Jerrells? And 23 points to Baylor’s LaceDarius Dunn OFF THE BENCH? If you’re a Jayhawk fan and that doesn’t concern you as March nears, then I don’t know what will.
*In order for Brandon Rush to be consistently aggressive on offense, why did Bill Self have to call him out in the media and have Brandon’s mom call him and tell him to start taking the ball to the hole? (Brandon was aggressive in taking 12 shots vs. Baylor, but wasn’t effective, hitting only 4 of them.)
*Why has Bill Self had to call out his guards recently in the media because they haven’t been guarding the way they are capable of?
*How frustrating do you think it is for Bill Self when he watches an opponents guards routinely drive right by KU’s guards? I know it drives me crazy. I can’t imagine how Coach Self feels.
*Has this team, or at least members of this team, started to believe the hype they are getting in the national media?
*How did this team, with all of its talent, depth and experience, play to a tie at half vs. Colorado?
*How did Baylor get 16 offensive rebounds and equal KU in overall rebounds at 39? And how did Baylor have a 9-0 rebounding edge early in the game?
*Why does Bill Self rarely play zone? Wouldn’t it be worthwhile to give your opponent some different looks defensively once in awhile?
*Does anyone else think that the absolute best way for opponents to beat/compete with KU is to (A) not turn the ball over and (B) have your guards penetrate and dish to wide open guards who can hit the 3? The latter brings back some very bad memories of NCAA Tournaments past. Throw in a couple of bad officials and you’ve got the recipe for an early NCAA Tournament upset.
*How did KU’s free throw shooting suddenly improve over the last 4 games? (They Jayhawks hit 36-of-46 vs. Baylor and had TWENTY-EIGHT (28) more FT attempts. Russell Robinson had 15 FT attempts by himself (hitting 14...way to go, Russell) while Baylor’s TEAM had 18 FT attempts.)
*Danny Manning has said of Darrell Arthur that he “doesn’t know how good he can be”. Does anyone think DA will figure it out before he’s getting paid to play next year? (He had 23 pts. And 10 rebounds vs. Baylor, marking his first double-double in nearly 2 months.) I get the feeling with DA that he can consistently take over games. I’m hoping he builds off the Baylor game and starts to shoulder more of the load.
*With Brandon Rush, Mario Chalmers, Russell Robinson and Sherron Collins in the backcourt, how does KU not make a 3-pointer against Baylor? The Jayhawks were outscored, THIRTY-SIX (36) to ZERO (0) from 3-pt range. It was the first time in 271 games that KU didn’t hit a 3. Again, remembering NCAA Tournaments past, if that doesn’t concern you heading into March, then I don’t know what will.
*How can Sasha Kaun do the following in the same game? (A) Horribly brick two free throws and throw up at least two touch-less shots at the rim, and (B) Nail two free throws and make a couple of sweet, fluid low-post moves for points.

If the Jayhawks want to be one of the last four standing at the end of this college basketball season and eventually cut down the nets, these questions are going to have to get answered. And from where this Jayhawk fan is sitting, the sooner the better.

Keep Rockin’ and Chalkin’,


1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. I think they will be just fine. They have faced everybody's A+ game and for the most part have withstood the storm. The same can not be said for Memphis, Duke, or UCLA for that fact.
