Sunday, April 13, 2008

2008 National Champions: Thoughts and Observations

The Kansas Jayhawks are National Champions.

How great does that sound?

I will never get tired of hearing those words. Never. Ever. Never. Ever.

The Kansas Jayhawks are NATIONAL FRIGGIN’ CHAMPIONS!!!!

I could write a book about all of the great moments from this season (hmmm, there’s an idea), but for now I want to share some of the dominant thoughts that run through my mind when I think about this Kansas Jayhawk team and this National Championship season.

--It is difficult to put into words how passionate I am about Kansas Jayhawk basketball. Do you know how your heart jumps when you are in love for the first time? Do you know how excited you get when anticipating that big vacation? Do you know what pure bliss it is to enjoy your favorite food? Add those feelings together, multiply by 100, and you’ll get close to understanding my passion for Kansas Jayhawk basketball. I am happy when the Jayhawks are happy. I hurt when the Jayhawks hurt. After the National Championship game, I hugged my wife and literally broke into tears of unbridled joy. I still get choked up when I think about it.

You could ask my friends and family about how I read nearly every article on the team, how I have regular email conversations about the team, how my home office is overflowing with Jayhawk memorabilia, about every Jayhawk-related Christmas or Birthday present I’ve received, about how I never miss a game, about the hours and hours of time spent debating/discussing with people, and on and on.

Some people say I shouldn’t care so much about a basketball team. Those are typically the same people that are missing passion in their own lives. A true passion takes you to emotional heights you could have never imagined.

The bottom line is this: I can’t help it. It’s in my crimson-and-blue blood. It’s woven into the fabric of who I am. Being a passionate Kansas Jayhawk fan is in my DNA and that will never change.

--Unfortunately this season I only got to attend the Senior Night game vs. Texas Tech and the Big 12 Tournament games. I had tickets to the Final Four, but then my grandfather passed away and his funeral was on the day of the KU-North Carolina game. While I would have given anything to be at that game, the memory I will have for the rest of my life of speaking at my grandfather’s funeral, watching the KU-North Carolina game with most of his grandchildren, and later raising our glasses toasting a Jayhawk victory and my grandfather….well, you just can’t put a price on that. I kept saying, “I know grandpa is going to pull some strings for us up in heaven.” You can believe whatever you want about why the Kansas Jayhawks won the National Championship. I choose to believe it was my grandfather’s final gift to his grandchildren.

--Darnell Jackson: I wrote an article earlier in the year called “Darnell Jackson: I Have A Confession To Make” where I basically told Darnell I have a man-crush on him. After the senior season he put together and the adversity he has overcome in his personal life, I’m not sure I could be more proud of any Jayhawk player. (Darnell: It was a pleasure watching you play and grow as a person. You have been a tremendous role model to thousands of Jayhawk fans, young and old. Best of luck to you in all that you do. I am absolutely certain you will succeed in whatever you do in life.)

--Brandon Rush: I still remember people talking about Brandon Rush before he got to KU and wondering if he’d be selfish and hurt team chemistry with his “one and done” attitude. We couldn’t have been more wrong. Brandon was almost too unselfish during his KU career , but he was better than advertised as a player and as a person. It turns out that tearing his ACL last year before the NBA Draft was a blessing in disguise for him, for his team, and for Jayhawk Nation. A lasting memory I’ll always have of Brandon is his alley-oop-off-the-backboard-dunk during the NCAA Tournament. (Brandon: Good luck to you in the NBA. You deserve it. Just remember to STAY AGGRESSIVE!)

--Rodrick Stewart: Rodrick worked his tail off last summer to get into the best physical condition of his life. It turns out that was critical as he started while Brandon recovered from ACL surgery. Rodrick will always be remembered for working hard, not complaining and summoning the spirit of Archie Marshall to be the team’s inspiration as they drove toward the National Championship.

--Sasha Kaun: Who would have thought that Sasha Kaun would have made the Midwest Regional All Tournament Team? Not known for his offense, Sasha came up with huge plays throughout the tournament in key moments. With as much talent that was on this year’s team, I think it’s going to take time for people to realize just how valuable Sasha’s strength, determination, hustle, work ethic, defense and consistent effort played a key role in the team’s success all year long.

--Russell Robinson: During his freshman year, RussRob turned down Coach Self when Self wanted him to go into a game. Russell was upset with his playing time and later thought about leaving KU. Now he’s a National Champion and was the “glue” for the team. Russell has learned a lot about basketball and about life during his 4 years in Lawrence and will always be remembered for his smile, his competitiveness, his willingness to do what is best for the team even at his own expense, and for epitomizing what it means to be a multiple Mr. Jayhawk award winner.

--Jeremy Case: The last remaining player recruited by the former coach (What was his name again? It’s escaping me.), Jeremy Case was never able to garner significant playing time during his Jayhawk career. We will always remember Jeremy for his smile, his leadership, raining 3-pointers on Senior Night, and being one of the most unselfish players in Jayhawk history. Jeremy was dealt a tough hand and always had a few more players ahead of him, but he didn’t complain, took it like a man, and worked hard to make everyone better. (You’re a class act, Jeremy Case, and will make a terrific head basketball coach one of these days.)

--Sherron Collins: When Coach Self recruited Sherron, he told him he was the missing piece to a National Championship. Sherron’s steal, follow up 3-pointer, and assist to Mario Chalmers on “the shot” in the National Championship game were amazing. Nice call, Coach Self.

--Darrell Arthur: Darrell had a solid season and came up big in the National Championship game, outplaying Joey Dorsey while scoring 20 points and grabbing 10 rebounds. When I think of DA, I always think of him playing big in big games, but getting in foul trouble and disappearing in other games. Danny Manning says DA doesn’t know how good he can be. I still don’t think he does. Unfortunately for Jayhawk Nation, I’m afraid we’ll have to hope that DA can figure it out in
the NBA next season.

--Mario Chalmers: Mario is KU’s Player of the Year. He was consistently the most aggressive and most clutch player on the team. I don’t think Mario fully realizes how he will forever be immortalized in Lawrence and among Jayhawk Nation for hitting “the shot”. It was the most memorable moment of the tournament and on the biggest stage. Maybe being around Danny Manning gives Mario the sense of how he will be adored by Jayhawk Nation for the rest of his life. I also thought it was interesting that the two key figures in the last two Jayhawk National Championships had their fathers on the KU coaching staff, first Ed Manning and then Ronnie Chalmers.

--Cole Aldrich: The future is very bright for the freshman that had a coming out party like no other, outplaying National Player of the Year Tyler Hansbrough in the Final Four.

--Henry T’s Bar and Grill: When Bill Self asked the seniors if they planned to get together to talk as a team after a depressing loss to Oklahoma State in Stillwater, OK, the players said they hadn’t planned anything. Self suggested that it would probably be a good idea. So instead of meeting someplace quiet and away from it all, this team decided to meet at Henry T’s Bar and Grill over chicken wings and burgers. Over the years I’ve heard of plenty of teams having “players only” meetings thinking that it would be the key to turning around their season. This time it was. The Jayhawks didn’t lose another game after that meeting at Henry T’s and it was THE turning point of the season. I would like to suggest that all future “players only” meetings at KU should be held at Henry T’s.

--Do you hear that sound? It’s the collective hush created by all of the Bill Self-haters/bashers that punished him waaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too much for two first round NCAA Tournament losses. I hope each and every one of you enjoy helping after helping of crow. You deserve every morsel.

--The circle is complete with Roy Williams. After KU beat Roy and his North Carolina team on its way to the National Championship, most KU fans will put any leftover resentment behind them. Of course Roy got one fan base off his back and immediately put another one (UNC fans) on it as he wore a Jayhawk sticker during the National Championship game. Roy was quoted as saying that, after 5 years, he hopes KU fans will “get over it and move on”. I think Roy needs to have that exact same conversation with the mirror.

--Why did Bill Self stay at Kansas? There are many reasons. How about this one: Bill Self could end up being greatest coach in the history of Kansas basketball. Think about it.

--The Big 12 finally gets a National Champion. Do you think this will finally end some of the media bias on both coasts? Do you think Dick Vitale will finally stop slobbering all over North Carolina and Duke? Yeah, me either.

--I’m not sure the average KU fan understands how much mental and physical toughness it took to beat Cinderella Davidson to get Bill Self his first Final Four, and then beat “mighty” #1 ranked and #1 overall seed North Carolina, and then finally beat a Memphis team that has the most wins in NCAA history and that completely dismantled Big 12 Co-Champion Texas and PAC-10 Champion UCLA. More importantly, I’m not sure people appreciate just how well our team played defensively in those games. It’s going to take time to realize the true greatness of
this team.

--Well, now we know what type of team Bill Self has in mind when trying to build a National Championship-caliber team. I’m sure some KU fans are nervous/excited about next year’s team as we bring in several new players. Coach Self said “we’re going to be pretty good next year”. Anyone here doubting him?

--Anyone else want to make KU an underdog? Pretty please?

--I was in Lawrence for the National Championship game. We watched the game at Jefferson’s and then partied in the streets with 40,000 of our closest friends. I’m not sure I could have more fun in one evening. Well, ok, maybe that’s stretching it. But it was a helluva good time.

--Remember when everyone was worrying, myself included, about our poor free throw shooting at the beginning of the year? KU was 14 of 15 from the free throw line in the National Championship game.

--In what is arguably the most talented Final Four in NCAA Tournament history, with all four #1 seeds, the Kansas Jayhawks were the best of the best.

--The “One Shining Moment” song and video keeps replaying in my head. I hope it never stops.

Keep Rockin’ and Chalkin’,



  1. You sound like a true fan. I really believe what you wrote when you said some people that can't understand your passion for KU are missing a passion of their own!!!
    Check out my blog on KU winning it all at:

  2. dude - awesome and I share every word with you.....thanks for putting it on paper (kind of).

    Rock Chalk!

  3. man everything you wrote about how you feel about the 'hawks is like the same thing i do. as any of my friends and family im poscessed.i live in WI and anoy the fricken crap outta all these cheeseheads wit my KU talk.

    Keep bleedin crimson and blue man!

    Rock Chalk national chaamps!!!



  5. I just happened to watch a few minutes of the UNC/KU game this afternoon... and came to the conclusion, that had Tyler Hansbrough stayed in his backyard and gone to MU (assuming they would have canned Quinn), instead of following Roy to UNC... he would have been the most hated Tiger of our generation. Despite his work ethic and hustle, I can't stand seeing him, hands raised, eyes wide open right after a whistle, proclaiming his innocence before the call is even made. I hate K-State, but Beasely should have been Player Of The Year. Now we have to listen to Dickie V carry on for another year about Duke, Rick Pitino and Hansbrough, when some of the best ball is in the Big 12.
