Friday, January 04, 2008

Thank You Coach Mangino, KU Football Team

TO: KU Football Head Coach Mark Mangino and the entire KU Football team

FROM: Jayhawk Nation (courtesy of Mic Johnson, Jayhawk Blogger extraordinaire)




…for making oranges my new favorite food. I will NEVER eat another one without thinking of this season.
…for 12 wins for the first time. Ever.
…for all of your hard work, determination and resolve.
…for all of the hours spent making yourselves better when no one was watching.
…for believing that you could take the mess that Terry Allen left behind and turn KU Football into something special.
…for representing my alma mater with class and dignity.
…for not listening to the “experts” (hear that, Mark May, Lee Corso, Chris Fowler of ESPN?) who said that you didn’t play anyone and that you couldn’t beat Virginia Tech.
…for taking a knee at the 2 yard line to end the Orange Bowl out of respect for Virginia Tech and their coach Frank Beamer.
…for making KU fans care about football again.
…for beating K-State for the first time in Manhattan since 1989.
…for making up for, in one game, years of humiliating losses to Nebraska.
…for quietly and respectfully flipping the bird to all of the “perfect people” who made fun of Coach Mangino’s weight.
…for reminding people that it’s more important to play as a TEAM than to highlight any individual.
…for taking this program, in just six years, to a level no one except you could have imagined.
…for making the right changes so that KU can routinely compete for the best high school recruits in the country.
…for ending the season ranked higher than any other school in the Big 12.
…for making sure that MU had to share the spotlight with KU all season long and, for most of the year, give up that spotlight to the rival they are too proud to admit they envy.
…for laying claim to the title of “Best College Football Team in The State of Kansas”.
…for winning the Orange Bowl so that we can talk about you for the rest of our lives.


As a wise Jayhawk fan I know was fond of saying: “Every day is a great day to be a Jayhawk. But some days are just a little better.”

Keep Rockin and Chalkin,


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