Thursday, November 01, 2007

In Sport, In Life, at KU: Unselfishness is cool

I was reading an article recently that talked about KU quarterback/wide receiver/running back/punter/Mr. Everything Kerry Meier and his unselfish approach during Todd Reesing’s rise as KU’s undisputed signal caller. And it got me thinking.

Being unselfish is cool. You hear that kids? Heck, you hear that adults? It’s cool to be unselfish. Darn cool.

Last year one of the things I liked the most about the KU basketball team was how unselfish they were. In today’s age of “ME FIRST” and “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS” athletes, it was refreshing to see a group of very talented athletes set their egos aside and work together, as a team, toward a common goal. We all know when a player says he’s about team, but then his actions on the court/field tell us differently. And last year’s KU basketball team, and presumably this year’s KU team, has that unselfish factor. And it’s cool. Darn cool.

As I’ve watched KU’s football team this year, one thing that stuck out to me immediately was how unselfish the players were. Watch for yourself. EVERY time a player makes a good play…and, more importantly, a not-so-good play…there are MULTIPLE teammates coming over to congratulate or pick that player up. It’s so refreshing. And it’s cool. Darn cool. Not only is this KU team playing like no other KU team of recent memory. Not only does this KU team have the ability to do something no other KU team has ever done. Not only is this KU team a joy to watch. Not only are Mark Mangino and his coaching staff doing an incredible job. But they are all doing it unselfishly. It’s all for one and one for all. And it’s genuine. And it’s cool. Darn cool.

What other teams can you think of off the top of your head that epitomize the “Unselfishness is cool” mantra? The first team that comes to my mind is the New England Patriots. Yeah, yeah, we know about the infamous sideline videotaping “scandal” that was way overblown, but watch those Patriots players on Sunday. It’s all about the team. It’s all about putting your individual ego and goals to the side and sacrificing for the greater good of the team. I mean, seriously, even Randy Freakin’ Moss has been converted under the all-consuming aura of unselfishness that infiltrates every individual in the Patriots organization. It’s cool. Darn cool.

Ditto for the San Antonio Spurs. They win championships. They do it unselfishly. Anyone surprised that Mr. Unselfish, Jacque Vaughn, is a part of that team? It’s so cool, isn’t it? Darn cool.

You hear people talk about how sports sometimes imitate life. It is my hope that, in this instance, life will start imitating the examples of unselfishness in sport. So do something for someone else today….and every day. Put your ego aside. You don’t need it. At the end of the day, it’s not about what you do for yourself or what you can get or buy for yourself. It’s what you do for others, what you do for the greater good, that will be remembered.

And the bonus?

It’s cool. Darn cool.

Keep Rockin’ and Chalkin’,


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