Friday, November 09, 2007

Enough with the fat, er PHAT, jokes

Our coach can eat your coach.

Ha,ha. Good one.

Our coach is PHAT.

Chuckle, chuckle.

Our coach beat anorexia.

Hilarious. Now you are poking fun at two different groups of people and getting more bang for your insult buck.


Will we, as KU fans, as human beings, ever move on from making fun of how much people weigh? I mean, seriously, is it really that funny that people die every year because of weight issues? What a great topic to make fun of.

Mark Mangino has done an incredible job with the KU football team this year and is on the verge of possibly doing the unbelievable.

And yet every day I see, hear and read about all of these t-shirts and sayings making fun of his weight.

Why is it ok in our society to make fun of someone that is overweight? It’s become acceptable as if those words don’t hurt the people they are targeted at.

People are so insecure with their own bodies, jobs and lives that they have to spend time making fun of other people.


If there is anyone out there that is perfect, please let me know.

If there is anyone out there that enjoys being made fun of, please let me know.

If there is anyone out there that loves it when people continually make fun of their physical appearance, please let me know.


Let’s give Mark Mangino credit for what he’s accomplishing at KU right now. Let’s judge him on how well he does his job. But let’s knock off all of the fat jokes. Our own students are wearing shirts that poke fun at their head football coach. Are you kidding me?


We have enough ignorant fans from other schools that routinely poke fun at Mark Mangino’s weight. We, as KU fans, must rise above this. We’re better than that.

At least I thought we were.

Keep Rockin’ and Chalkin,


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