Wednesday, December 20, 2006

KU-Winston Salem State

This game was a yawner. I was going to post my thoughts about it, but then I read Gary Bedore's thoughts from the LJWorld and figured I couldn't say it any better myself.

That being said, I don't agree with him that WSSU hitting more threes is a "concern" because that was the only thing they could do offensively. They were just too small and not athletic to establish any kind of inside game.

Keep Rockin and Chalkin,


Gary Bedore, Journal-World KU men’s basketball beat writer

“There was nothing to be learned from this one, the opponent was so inferior. I did see fans smiling on the way out of Allen Fieldhouse, however, which I guess is a good sign. Folks enjoyed seeing a bevy of KU dunks and the return of the running game. Winston-Salem State did hit more threes than the Jayhawks, which probably is a concern. Again, however, nothing can be learned from this. If the fans in attendance enjoyed the rout, good deal, but really it meant nothing. Add a ‘W’ to the win column and move on.”

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