Wednesday, November 15, 2006

KU-Oral Roberts: Game Summary

Here's the summary of the game for those that weren't "fortunate" enough to watch it live:

Poor shot selection from tip to finish.PISS POOR officiating.Poor execution in transition. KU failed to convert on a FOUR-on-ONE and a FOUR-on-TWO fast break.

Poor passing from tip to finish.

It seemd like EVERY loose ball went to Oral Roberts.

Too much trying to make the "sexy" play instead of making the fundamental play.

Julian Wright taking way too many shots and getting way too fancy with his dribbling, which led to numerous turnovers.


KU played with ZERO sense of urgency all game long.

If you are looking for a leader on this Jayhawk team, you won't find one.

Remember the talk from the players saying that they can "run all game long"? Uh, yeah, scratch that.

Darrell Arthur played like a man among boys. Freshman of the century?

Horrible defense. We routinely double-teamed the post, leaving ORU guards wide open to swish a 3-pointer. Eerily similar to the Bradley game last year.

Brandon Rush missing free throws left and right.

Oh wait, EVERYONE missing free throws left and right.

Brandon Rush deciding to take a nap for the first 15 minutes of the game. Pre-season All-American my ass.

Darnell Jackson looking like a guy that was forced to start, but doesn't deserve it.

Sasha Kaun cannot get back soon enough.

KU's crowd sounded like the MU crowd tonight, whining and booing about every call.

Note to the players: Quit thinking you should win just because you have KANSAS on the front of your jersey.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Bill Self's biggest challenge this season will be getting this team to take EVERY opponent seriously. He failed tonight and was outcoached from tip to finish.

One of the MOST EMBARASSING losses in the history of KU basketball. Right next to Bradley and Bucknell.

We very well may get boatraced against Florida in Las Vegas. And at least that game is on national TV.

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