Wednesday, November 29, 2006

KU-Florida: Game Thoughts

I finally found some time to watch my DVR'd copy of the KU-Florida game.

Here are some thoughts:

*This game was WAY better in person. :)
*Even though I knew the outcome as I watched the game again, I got butterflies in my stomach. What an incredible game.
*Our guys showed a helluva lot of poise and maturity in beating the defending national champion that starts 4 juniors and 1 senior. Every time Florida punched the Hawks punched back.
*Al Horford travelled nearly every time he caught the ball in the post.
*Joakim Noah shoots one ugly free throw shot.
*JULIAN FRIGGIN WRIGHT: What can I say that hasn't been said already? One of the best all around performances ever by a Jayhawk in a big game. He flat out embarrassed Noah on several occasions and dismantled Florida's attempt to shut KU down by playing zone.
*Boy that Jayhawk crowd was incredible, though television didn't do a very good job of showing just how loud they were.
*Vitale is so annoying to listen to throughout an entire game. I don't know how Dan Schumlan deals with that night in and out. At one point Vitale was petitioning for sideline reporter Doris Burke's husband to get an AD job. Are you kidding me?
*Darrell Arthur is a complete stud and should, without question, remain in the starting lineup regardless of Sasha's health situation. As I've said before, I believe he will go down as one of the best freshmen in KU history when it's all said and done. And he was the loudest cheerleader on the bench when he wasn't on the court. Oh yeah, and how about his calm, smooth free throw stroke with the game hanging in the balance? CLUTCH.
*I can't believe I had to DVR this game on ESPN2 in non-HD. TimeWarner Cable.........grrrrrrrrr.
*KU did a nice job for most of the night in handling Florida's press/trapping. I absolutely loved watching the Hawks ATTACK the press and getting some emphatic dunks in the process.
*Darnell Jackson has a good amount of room for improvement. He makes mistakes that are those of a guy that hasn't played many real minutes at the college level. The good news is that he has a strong upside and could be a consistent, solid contributor as the season goes along.
*Bill Self talks a lot after bad games how the ball "sticks in our hands" and guys aren't passing the ball quickly. That one nugget is a critical factor in how effective this team is offensively. If they are moving the ball quickly, good things happen. If not, they don't. Simple as that.
*Sasha Kaun is big, but he looked like a little kid next to Al Horford and Chris Richards. Sasha absoultely positively MUST get more physical and aggressive in the paint, both offensively and defensively. He was very close to being a liability in this game. His foul with under 20 seconds to go gave Florida unnecessary life by stopping the clock and allowing them to hit two free throws.
*The "chicken arm" offensive foul called on Mario Chalmers in OT was BS, particularly because Horford did the exact same thing (maybe even more obvious) early in the second half and was not called for it (He actually dunked it and KU got the foul call).
*SHAME ON ESPN for (1) TWO inexplicable blackouts that occurred during the second half, and (2) repeatedly incorrectly identifying a woman in the crowd as Darrell Arthur's mother.
*Mario Chalmers hit some CLUTCH shots throughout the game. His 3-pt shot is silky smooth.
*Give Florida credit. They have one helluva team and are extremely resilient.
*Understatement of the night from ESPN's Dan Schulman: "Boy, Chalmers is quick."
*Understatement of the night #2 from Duke Vitale: "Basketball, Mr. Schulman, is played collectively as a unit."
*The Orleans Arena is a really nice facility. It seats about 8500, has plenty of bathrooms, has plenty of concessions, every seat is a cushioned chairback, flat screens everywhere, and of course they serve alcohol. I was reminded of Kemper Arena, circa 1988.
*Russell Robinson's block of Corey Brewer on the breakaway was a thing of beauty. I was also impressed with Robinson showing some serious emotion after Darnell Jackson didn't convert on the other end (blocked by Horford). You rarely see any kind of outward emotion from Russell, so it was a welcome site to see him get fired up.
*Give Brandon Rush credit. While he has struggled somewhat to live up to the Preseason All-American hype, he stepped up, took, and hit the game winner with a very acrobatic move for a baseline layup.
*COMPLETE BS NO-CALL OF THE NIGHT: No foul called when Rush got the rebound and three Florida players surrounded him and ripped the ball out of his hands and then put it in for two points.
*COMPLETE BS NO-CALL OF THE NIGHT #2: No foul called near the end of regulation as Russell Robinson got hacked dribbling between Corey Brewer and Taurean Green. Vitale and Shulman said "you won't get a foul called out there". Why not? Is it not a foul when the defensive players hack you to send the game into OT?
*Again, what an amazing game and a great confidence builder for the Jayhawks.

This is going to be one fun team to watch grow and develop as the season continues.

Keep Rockin and Chalkin,


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