Wednesday, November 08, 2006

KU-Emporia State: Post-Game Thoughts

I was at the game last night and walked away with these few observations:

*Our guys have a long way to go, as to be expected, on playing great team defense. At times, I would say they have a ways to go on playing even good team defense.
*Sherron's shot is definitely not "pure" as a friend of mine pointed out last night, but the end result, particularly from 3-pt range, is all that matters. If he becomes a consistent 3-pt threat to go with his ballhandling, penetrating, passing skills, that will make us that more dangerous. Not to mention that he is playing tentatively right now and you can tell the game is still a bit too fast for him. Once it slows down, he will be scary good.
*I really expected to see Brandon being more assertive on both ends of the court this year. Additionally, I expected to see more vocal leadership from him. To this point, I've seen neither.
*Ditto on vocal leadership from Russell. He still seems to be that quiet, even keeled player he was last year.
*This team really missed Sasha inside presence and muscle. The saying "You don't know what you've got til it's gone" comes to mind. Darnell and DA got shoved around and gave up way too much space when Emporia State players were backing them down into the lane.
*Mario Chalmers being out was another "you don't know what you've got til it's gone" situation. It makes me appreciate even more how much havoc he creates defensively, how that creates offensive opportunities, and how his ability to score gives the team overall energy.
*We never really committed to trying to get the ball into the paint last night and settled for numerous jumpshots.
*I didn't see much overall intensity from KU last night, particularly in the first half.
*A friend mentioned this to me last night and I hadn't really thought of it until his comment, but I completely agree: "This is Julian Wright's team. Period."
*Matt Kleinmann is a poor man's Christian Moody and has a looooooong way to go. I hope we don't need him to play at all this season other than to go foul someone.
*Darrell Arthur didn't look like the "freshman of the century" last night, but he is still going to be a monster this season as he gets more and more experience. He played somewhat timid last night and I imagine the game and remembering what the coaches have told him is still slowing him down. But, as with Sherron, once that stuff becomes second nature for him, he is going to be beyond scary good.

Overall, good to get some playing time for everyone and good to get our injured players some rest.

All of that said, I'm much more nervous about the Florida game that I thought I would be.


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