Thursday, March 02, 2006

Where is this team going?

This KU team started the season looking horrible at times. We were able to write that off to youth, inexperience, and lack of playing time together and individually.

We knew they would hit their stride and hoped it would be this year.

They did hit that stride and they won 10 in a row and looked to be hitting on almost all cylinders.

Now, we find the team coming off three unimpressive games against Baylor, Texas and Colorado.
We're seeing some of the same problems that we saw earlier in the year such as unforced turnovers, lack of aggressive play in the paint, not valuing the ball, missing free throws, the lack of a true "go to" scorer, etc.

We're also starting to see some new issues develop including Brandon Rush looking uncomfortable, forcing his aggressiveness, and missing shots he normally makes. Russell Robinson is making some poor decisions with his passing and shot selection. Mario Chalmers disappears for long stretches and then hits a couple of quick 3's. We try to make the Sportscenter highlight reels instead of making the smart play. Our big guys are consistently getting outmuscled and outrebounded.

We also have some positives: Giles is playing better; our defense is still very strong; the team has a ton of talent; the team still can make quick, powerful runs that turn the tide of a game; we have a deep bench; etc.

So my question is: Where is this team going? Will they beat K-State, win a couple of Big 12 tourney games and make a run in the NCAA tourney?

Or will they continue to play out of sync as freshmen and sophomores hit "the wall" and struggle for the rest of the season? Did they peak too early?

This season has been a great one. To think we are on the verge of at least a share of the conference title after replacing virtually our entire team in the offseason is, in a word, amazing.

This season has also been a roller coaster. We started slow, then moved upward gradually gaining speed, then we hit the top of the mountain, and then we started going downhill after getting drilled at Texas.

Does this team have what it takes to make one more push to the top of the mountain?

Only time will tell. And it starts on Saturday in Allen Fieldhouse West.


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