Saturday, March 18, 2006

KU-Bradley: Just one of those nights

I had been saying all along that I wouldn't be surprised if we lost in the second round or made a run to the Final Four. We went out in the first round and I guess I'm just a little surprised by that, but not too surprised.

We played a good Bradley team that played their best game of the year by far. They hit all of the threes after hitting an avg. of 3 a game over their last 3 games and being a 32% 3-pt shooting team. KU overcame Bradley's hot shooting, but the poor officiating gave Bradley more opportunities at the line and they hit their free throws.

It reminded me of the game in Austin. Texas hit everything and we couldn't hit anything. And we were out of sorts. We threw TWO inbounds passes away. We never do that. We had 2 guys foul out. That hasn't happened all season. Bradley hit more threes in the first half than they have in their last couple of games. Mario and BRush disappeared, particularly in the first half. We turned the ball over like we did early in the season when our freshmen were actually playing like freshmen.

All of the 3's Bradley were raining in took an emotional toll on this team and while they were valiant in trying to come back, they just couldn't overcome the officiating too.

Bradley "careered" us tonight.

On to the offseason....sigh.

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