Wednesday, February 08, 2006

This Jayhawk Team Is Special

So this Jayhawk team has won 13 of 15. They are in sole possession of 2nd place in the Big 12. Every win, except one, has been by double digits. They have two freshmen that have won the Big 12 Freshmen of the Week award a total of 3 times. They lead the nation in FG% defense. They had a stretch of about 5 games where they were averaging 90 points a game. They beat Oklahoma. And they just wiped the floor with Nebraska in Lincoln, for their FOURTH ROAD WIN in the conference.

They are unranked.

And I just checked FIVE major sports web sites and ONE of them had a short AP article on their blowout win over NU tonight.


Keep us under the radar. I dare you.

We are currently one of the best teams in the country and only a handful of folks know it and even some of us find it hard to believe from where this team started.

We will wipe the floor with ISU, KSU and Baylor. Mark it down. And I think we'll beat OSU too.

And that will set up a HUGE game against the Yankees, er Longhorns, in Austin.

And I think this team can win that one too.

Regardless of how this season ends up, I LOVE THIS TEAM. I love the energy. I love the enthusiasm. I love the toughness. I love the in-your-face defense. I love how they look a "trap game" in the face and say "screw you, we're gonna take it to you". I love the talent. I love the unselfishness, which again was evident from day one. I love that they like hanging out together. And I love watching them play and pick each other up when someone has an off night.

Folks, this is a special, special team.

Rock Chalk,



  1. So what happened to Downs? Do you know?

  2. There hasn't really been an "official" explanation. I've heard his girlfriend was pregnant. I've heard he had personal issues to deal with at home. I've heard he was homesick. I heard he was upset about lack of playing time. I heard he was somewhat of a loner and didn't really fit in with the team. I've heard his relationship with his dad weighed on him. The truth probably lies somewhere in between.

    Rock Chalk,


  3. Thanks. I have only followed college basketball since '98 and the Jayhawks since Kirk's sophomore year... so I wasn't sure if this was normal. Padgett, Downs, the trouble with Graves... I've been tempted to blame the coach. I suppose things are more complicated.

  4. Oh yes, it's much more complicated than it seems and Bill Self is one of the very minor reasons why Downs left. Curious as to how you started following the Jayhawks and how you came across my blog?


  5. My husband is a huge sports nerd, and when we were dating he got me into the tournament. Of course, I was only into the _tournament_ for a couple years. He suggested that I pick a team to follow so that I could watch a team through the season and get to know a conference. I had a nephew at Kansas at the time and we watched a game together, and that's when I made them my team. Luckily I live in Dallas and get a lot of Big 12 coverage. Last season I started reading a college basketball blog (I can't remember the name) and your blog was linked on it. There you go.

  6. Great. Thanks for the update. My blog isn't as active as others, but I follow Jayhawk basketball a ton and have loved them since my freshmen year in college at KU. You picked a great team to follow!

    Rock Chalk,

